This incident has been resolved. We will not provide further information in a public incident report.
On Feb 18, 2025, from 12:00 to 12:55 UTC, shoppers experienced degraded performance in cart operations.
Our global sales flow was affected for 1 minute during this incident.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
At 12:00 UTC, Checkout error rates started to gradually increase, according to our logs.
At 12:31 UTC, there was a slight drop in orders lasting 1 minute, mitigated by platform self-healing mechanisms.
At 12:32 UTC, our incident response team was notified of the issue by platform health alerts.
At 12:42 UTC, our team performed manual mitigation actions on impacted Checkout instances.
At 12:55 UTC, the incident was fully mitigated.